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Interdepartmental Program in Transportation

The interdepartmental Master of Science in Transportation (M.S.T.) degree program emphasizes the complexity of transportation and its dependence on the interaction of technology, operations, planning, management and policy-making. For this reason, the Master of Science in Transportation program is interdepartmental. Faculty members and research staff from several centers, departments and divisions within MIT are affiliated with the program and serve as research advisors and mentors to M.S.T. students.

The interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Transportation provides a structured and direct follow-on doctoral program for students enrolled in the M.S.T. program or other transportation-related masters degree program at MIT or elsewhere. The interdepartmental structure of the program allows students greater flexibility in developing individual programs of study that cross both disciplinary and departmental lines. The program is administered by the transportation faculty through the director of the interdepartmental doctoral program, who is responsible for admissions, establishment and oversight of program requirements, and conduct of the general examination and thesis defense.

Both the interdepartmental Master of Science in Transportation and the interdepartmental Doctoral Program in Transportation are administered through CEE.

The MIT Transportation Club provides social and professional networking opportunities for the MIT transportation community including a seminar series and the annual Transportation Showcase.

To learn more about transportation research at MIT, visit faculty research group pages (these links ar found on faculty bio pages) and visit Transportation@MIT.