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Undergraduate Student Life

Course 1 students are very engaged beyond the classroom as well, and the department sponsors student groups, activities, and competitions to promote community, foster relationships, and provide opportunities to apply the skills learned to real world problems in a very hands-on way.


The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Student Chapter at MIT, known as CEESA (Civil and Environmental Engineering Student Association), strives to uphold the values of excellence in academic and professional environments. Through service projects, educational programs, and social functions, CEESA aims to foster a vibrant and supportive community that enables every student to reach his or her highest potential. Contact CEESA at:

The CEESA Leadership Team is:

Richard Chen | President
Richard Chen is a Class of 2025 undergraduate in the Systems track. In Course 1, he is interested in the use of statistics, modeling, and optimization in energy systems. His favorite experiences in Course 1 include courses, the FPOP (First Year Preorientation Program), and attending many interesting seminars. Outside of serving on CEESA Exec, he is also involved in a Christian fellowship and an a cappella group on campus. During his free time, he enjoys playing basketball, birdwatching, and learning about forestry.

Estefano Reyes| Treasurer
Estefano Reyes is pursuing the Systems Engineering track as a 2025 undergrad. His academic interests are causal inference, statistical mechanics, and information theory. One of his most memorable experiences in course 1 was collaborating with a team to build a solar panel. In his spare time, he enjoys teaching tricks to his dog, Bianco and learning German.

Caroline Langmeyer|Community Engagement Chair
Caroline Langmeyer is a class of 2026 mechanics and materials track. She is especially interested in structural engineering and enjoys looking at the infrastructure of buildings. Her favorite course one memory was being in the FPOP before freshman year, and also getting to help run it this past fall. Outside of class she plays varsity softball and enjoys playing games, listening to music and walking around.

Delphine Protopapas | Social Chair
Delphine Protopapas is a Class of 2026 undergraduate in the Mechanics and Materials track. In course 1, she is interested in sustainable and climate-resilient construction and equity in urban infrastructure, and is also minoring in course 11. Her favorite course 1 memory was getting to go on the NYC Structural Engineering trip and getting to see a lot of alumni doing cool work at accomplished firms while also bonding with people in the major. Outside of CEESA exec, she is on MIT Muses Acapella, the Committee on Campus Planning, and Sigma Kappa. During her free time, she enjoys reading, singing, and riding her bicycle around Boston.

Eldar Urkumbayev | Social Chair
Eldar Urkumbayev is a Class of 2025 from Kazakhstan, in Environment track. He is interested in plant biology and hydrology for his future work. One of the best memories from Course 1 was the TREX (Traveling Research Environmental eXperiences) class in Hawaiʻi in IAP 2024. Aside from serving on CEESA Exec, he is involved with MIT BioMakers Space as a workshop instructor and with Next House musical theatre group NextAct as the costume designer.

Eve Silfanus | Professional Networking & Faculty Liaison
Eve Silfanus is in the Class of 2025 from Indonesia, pursuing the Systems track. She has an odd obsession with Solar Panels. However, she is highly interested in network and transportation systems. Her best memory from Course 1 was when she took 1.020. It was the first time where she was put out of her comfort zone and was able to learn and absorb lots of information. She is excited to be more involved with Course 1 and explore different opportunities with her friends. 

Professor Admir Masic | CEESA Faculty Advisor
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Discover some of the social events organized by CEESA, view photo album

Chi Epsilon

Chi Epsilon (XE)

MIT’s XE chapter aims to be a vibrant group of outstanding scholars who reflect the four pillars of this Civil Engineering society:

  • Scholarship: recognizing excellence and achievement in academic and professional endeavors
  • Character: upholding the integrity and responsibility of the civil engineering profession through our service
  • Practicality: educating and encouraging our members to improve our world through innovative and impactful solutions
  • Sociability: connecting our members while engaging the broader [engineering] community

Through leading civil and environmental engineering related initiatives, our chapter seeks to engage and foster collaborations with the wider academic and non-academic community.  We desire to raise awareness in the MIT community on pressing issues that affect both the built and natural environment, collaborate with other groups on campus to lead joint initiatives, and inform students of conferences, summits, competitions, development programs and research opportunities related to civil and environmental engineering.

The XE Leadership Team:

Joy Domingo-Kameenui | Secretary-Treasurer
Environmental Engineering track; Class of ‘24

Grace Harrington | Marshal
Mechanics and Materials track; Class of ‘24

Karen Li | Editor
Systems Engineering track; Class of ‘24

Runako Gentles | President
Environmental Engineering track; Class of ‘24

Josephine Carstensen | Faculty Advisor
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering