• S.B., EECS, MIT, 1965
• S.M., EECS, MIT, 1967
• Ph.D., Operations Research, MIT, 1969
Specializes in Operations Research with research interests in applied probability theory, stochastic processes and decision-making under uncertainty. His principal application domains are airport planning and operations, air traffic management, urban service systems, and urban transportation.
Professor Odoni is the author, co-author and/or co-editor of 12 books, including three internationally used textbooks, and more than 100 professional publications. Some selected more recent publications:
1. Belobaba, P., A. Odoni and C. Barnhart (eds.), The Global Airline Industry, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, London, 2015. [Fully updated from 1st Edition (2009).]
2. de Neufville, R. and A. Odoni, Airport Systems: Planning, Design and Management, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill Educational, New York, 2013. [Revised from 1st Edition (2003).]
3. Larson, R. C. and A. Odoni, Urban Operations Research, Dynamic Ideas, Belmont, MA, 2007. [Original edition by Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1981).]
4. Ribeiro, N., A. Jacquillat, A. Antunes and A. Odoni, “Improving Slot Allocation at Level 3 Airports”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 127, pp. 32-54, 2019.
5. Ribeiro, N., A. Antunes, A. Jacquillat, A. Odoni and J. Pita, “An Optimization Approach for Airport Slot Allocation under IATA Guidelines”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 118, pp. 132-156, 2018.
6. Gillen, D., A. Jacquillat and A. Odoni, “Airport Demand Management: The Operations Research and Economics Perspectives and Potential Synergies”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 94, 495-513, 2016.
7. Jin, Jian Gang, K. M. Teo and A. R. Odoni, “Optimizing Bus Bridging Services in Response to Disruptions of Urban Transit Rail Networks”, Transportation Science, 50 (3), 790-804, 2016.
8. Wang, H. and A. Odoni, “Approximating the Performance of a “Last Mile” Transportation System”, Transportation Science, 50 (2), 659-675, 2016.
9. Pyrgiotis, N. and A. Odoni, “On the Impact of Scheduling Limits: A Case Study at Newark International Airport”, Transportation Science, 50 (1), 150-165, 2016.
10. Jacquillat, A. and A. Odoni, “An Integrated Scheduling and Operations Approach
to Airport Congestion Mitigation”, Operations Research, 63(6), 1390-1410, 2015. [Selected as Best Published Paper on a Transportation Topic (2014-2016) by the Transportation and Logistics Section of INFORMS.]
11. Barnett, A., M. Ball, G. Donohue, M. Hansen, A. Odoni and A. Trani, “Collision Course? The North Airfield Safety Study at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX)”, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 77, 14–34, 2015.
12. Pyrgiotis, N., A. Odoni and K. Malone, “Modeling Delay Propagation within an Airport Network”, Transportation Research C: Emerging Technologies, 27, 60-75, 2013.
13. Barnhart, C., D. Fearing, A. Odoni, and V. Vaze, “Demand and Capacity Management in Air Transportation”, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 1 (1-2), 135-155, 2012.
14. Bertsimas, D., G. Lulli, and A. Odoni, “An Integer Optimization Approach to Large-Scale Air Traffic Flow Management”, Operations Research, 59 (1), 211-227, 2011. [Selected as Best Published Paper on a Transportation Topic (2011-2013) by the Transportation and Logistics Section of INFORMS.]