[fusion_text]By René Andrés García Franceschini Night fell two days prior to our departure as my teammates and I made the trek to our makeshift classroom, on the opposite side of the construction site. The mammoth MOSE […]
[fusion_text]By René Andrés García Franceschini Night fell two days prior to our departure as my teammates and I made the trek to our makeshift classroom, on the opposite side of the construction site. The mammoth MOSE […]
[fusion_text]Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Professor Admir Masic was featured in The Guardian for his work aiming to solve the issue of refugee education. Masic recently announced the launch of the MIT Refugee ACTion […]
[fusion_text]Class of 1942 Professor of Architecture and Professor of CEE John Ochsendorf received the creative advising activity award at the Freshman Faculty Advising Awards in May for his freshman seminar on Art, Engineering, and Architecture. The […]
[fusion_text]Research from department head and McAfee Professor of Engineering Markus Buehler into the strength and structure of conch shells was featured in Smithsonian Magazine. Buehler, graduate student Grace Gu, and postdoc Mahdi Takaffoli recreated the structure […]
[fusion_text]Researchers in the Concrete Sustainability Hub have created an online tool that predicts hazard mitigation breakeven costs for counties along the Atlantic coast that are susceptible to damage during hurricane season. The tool, called the Break-Even […]
[fusion_text]Associate Professor Ruben Juanes, researcher Fran Martinez and postdoc Diego Lopez participated in the meeting of Spanish Scientists in the United States (Españoles Científicos en USA), held at MIT this past weekend. On Saturday, Juanes contributed […]
[fusion_text]Professor Oral Buyukozturk and six members of his group recently attended the Engineering Mechanics International (EMI) conference. There were five student research competitions at the conference, and graduate students Reza Mohammadi Ghazi and Murat Uzun participated […]
[fusion_text]Research from Professor Charles Harvey into one of the last undisturbed tropical peat forests gives insight into how peatlands form and function, which could be important for evaluating future effects of climate change. The findings were […]
[fusion_text]Three CEE alumni were recently elected to the MIT Corporation, the Institute’s board of trustees. Arunas A. Chesonis ’84, Fariborz Maseeh ’90 and Nicolas E. Chammas ’87 will all serve as full-term members. This will be […]
[fusion_text]Graduate student Tiziana Smith was one of 24 MIT students to travel to Washington, DC in April to advocate for science funding to members of Congress. Smith blogged about the experience for the American Geophysical Union. […]
[fusion_text]William E. Leonhard (1940) Professor Harry Hemond wrote a poem reflecting on his tenure and how MIT has evolved over the past 40 years. The poem was published in the latest edition of the MIT Faculty […]
[fusion_text]JR East Professor Joseph Sussman was profiled on MIT News about his tenure at MIT and his interdisciplinary research approach. Sussman has been an active faculty member over the past 50 years, including serving as department […]
[fusion_text]On May 18, members of the CEE community gathered together to celebrate the class of 2017 and to recognize the outstanding accomplishments of the past year. Department Head Markus Buehler announced the winners of the CEE […]
[fusion_text]Assistant Professor Otto Cordero is leading a new Simons Foundation collaboration with Professor Roman Stocker of ETH Zurich and a multidisciplinary team of researchers from across the United States and Europe. The collaboration, called Theory of […]
[fusion_text]Research into the structure, strength and toughness of conch shells from graduate student Grace Gu, postdoc Mahdi Takaffoli, and McAfee Professor of Engineering Markus Buehler, was recently published in Advanced Materials. The researchers showed how the […]