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Kilauea Iki crater

TREX 2018 Day 6: Moving Day #1

By Joey Noszek ’20 The government shutdown ended today. That’s great! While we are still on this side of the island, we will be legally allowed to explore the park again. There is also a possibility […]

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TREX 2018 Day 5: Talk to me, Goose!

By Meghan Reisenauer ‘19 Cornfields outside of Hilo Sunday was spent at a local farm outside of Hilo, belonging to a very nice man named Richard Ha. Richard told us about his work with the community […]

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TREX 2018 Day 4: Sensor Work and Vog

By Meghan Reisenauer ‘19 Josh and Chang have a blast removing some of the sensors Today our group of seven TREXers split up for the first time in Hawaii to work on different projects. Josh, Chang, […]

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TREX 2018 Day 3: Geology of Kilauea Iki Crater

By James Pruegsanusak ’19 This is my first time writing a blog for CEE, so here’s a self-introduction. I’m James Pruegsanusak, a junior majoring in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Yes, that’s right – I’m a […]

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TREX 2018 Day 3: In the Crater

By Joey Noszek ‘20 Before this trip, I was horribly afraid of the inevitable jetlag that would result from flying from Boston to Hawaii. I anticipated a state of utter confusion in which my body and […]

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