Scientists fabricate new materials and sound from flame Anyone who has gazed at a candle flame feels the calming visual sensation it brings to a room. Fires physical behavior and mesmerizing flickering flame has fascinated humankind […]
Scientists fabricate new materials and sound from flame Anyone who has gazed at a candle flame feels the calming visual sensation it brings to a room. Fires physical behavior and mesmerizing flickering flame has fascinated humankind […]
[fusion_text]The CEE New Research Reception, held on October 26, brought together CEE alumni, friends and community members to hear about updates on the department and new research initiatives. The event featured research presentations from Professor Oral […]
MIT engineers in collaboration with colleagues from Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy are achieving functional diversity in materials by combining a few pure components as building blocks to create diverse structures. The researchers selected bone to […]
CEE Professor Carolina Osorio Pizano won the MIT Technology Review EmTech Colombia TR35. This annual award is given to young innovators less than 35 years old for work that promises to revolutionize the world of technology and business […]
On April 24, 2015 CEE Department Head Markus Buehler and Professor Pedro Reis presented in the two-day Active Matter Summit (AMS) – a conference led by researchers as well as government, public institution and industry leaders. “Combining small […]
Every spring, CEE bestows a selection of awards to its students, faculty and staff. This year, three new awards will be added to the mix: the Juan Hermosilla ’57 Prize to recognize talent and potential at […]
Each spring, CEE presents a number of awards to undergrads, grads, faculty and staff. This year three new awards will be added: the Juan Hermosilla ’57 Prize for exceptional talent at the intersection of mechanics, materials, […]