[fusion_text]Assistant Professor Dave Des Marais was profiled on MIT News for his research into plant physiology and how plants naturally respond to environmental stresses. Des Marais officially joined the department on October 1, and works in […]
[fusion_text]Assistant Professor Dave Des Marais was profiled on MIT News for his research into plant physiology and how plants naturally respond to environmental stresses. Des Marais officially joined the department on October 1, and works in […]
[fusion_text]Research from Professor Charles Harvey into one of the last undisturbed tropical peat forests gives insight into how peatlands form and function, which could be important for evaluating future effects of climate change. The findings were […]
[fusion_text]William E. Leonhard (1940) Professor Harry Hemond wrote a poem reflecting on his tenure and how MIT has evolved over the past 40 years. The poem was published in the latest edition of the MIT Faculty […]
[fusion_text]Bacardi and Stockholm Water Foundations Professor of CEE and Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Dara Entekhabi was recently elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) for his leadership in the hydrologic sciences. More information about […]
Hi I’m Josh Moss and I’m a graduate student who works in Professor Jesse Kroll’s lab studying atmospheric chemistry. Hi! I’m Stephen Duncan and I am a first year student interested in chemical and environmental engineering […]
On May 25, Parsons Lab administrative assistant James (Jim) Long was awarded an Infinite Mile Award at the School of Engineering’s 16th annual awards ceremony. The Infinite Mile Awards recognize staff who surpass expectations in three […]
Civil and environmental engineering activities at MIT 2016 Open House spark connections. Marilyn Siderwicz | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Whether jostling closer to the toy building pieces, ogling liquid hair being transformed into holograms, […]