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Ali Jadbabaie

Ali Jadbabaie
  • Title Department Head; JR East Professor; Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Core Faculty in Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS); Principal Investigator, Laboratory for Information, and Decision Systems (LIDS)
  • Email jadbabai@MIT.EDU
  • Faculties Resilient Systems & Mobility
  • Address Room 1-290
  • Telephone 617.253.7339
  • Research Website


  • B.S. 1995, Sharif University of Technology
  • M.S. 1997, University of New Mexico
  • Ph.D. 2000, California Institute of Technology

Research Interests

  • Network Science, Network Economics
  • Consensus and information aggregation in social networks
  • Cooperative control of multiagent systems
  • Applications of algebraic topology in coverage and deployment of sensor networks
  • Analysis, optimization, and control of networked dynamical systems in physics, engineering and biology
  • Optimization, and optimal control of nonlinear and hybrid systems
  • Motion coordination and vison-based control of unmanned air and ground vehicles
  • Robust control
  • Spectral Graph theory

Selected Publications

Please visit Professor Jadababaie’s website