The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers the following undergraduate degrees:
General Department Requirements
1.000 Introduction to Computer Programming and Numerical Methods for Engineering Applications
1.010A Probability: Concepts and Applications
1.073 Introduction to Environmental Data Analysis
1.074 Multivariate Data Analysis
18.03 Differential Equations
1.013 Senior Civil and Environmental Engineering Design
1.101 Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Design I
Environmental Engineering Core
The Environment core focuses on Earth’s systems and cycles, introducing students to principles in environmental chemistry, microbiology, fluid mechanics and hydrology. Students enrolled in the environment core do revolutionary fieldwork during IAP. View sample tracks.
1.018 Fundamentals of Ecology
1.060 Fluid Mechanics
1.061A Transport Processes in the Environment I
1.070A Introduction to Hydrology and Water Resources I
1.080 Environmental Chemistry
1.091 Traveling Research Environmental eXperience (TREX): Fieldwork
1.106 Environmental Fluid Transport Processes and Hydrology Laboratory
1.107 Environmental Chemistry and Biology Laboratory
Mechanics & Materials Core
The Mechanics and Materials core focuses on the principles of mechanics necessary to understand how materials behave at scales from the nano to the macro. View Sample Tracks
1.035 Mechanics of Materials
1.036 Structural Mechanics and Design
1.050 Solid Mechanics
1.056 Introduction to Structural Design
1.060 Fluid Mechanics
1.104 Sensing and Intelligent Systems
Energy, Transportation, and Societal Systems Core
The Systems core explores big data, system modeling and analysis, sustainability, and energy and transportation systems. View sample tracks.
1.020 Engineering Sustainability: Analysis and Design
1.022 Introduction to Network Models
1.041 Transportation Systems Modeling
15.053 Optimization Methods in Business Analytics
1.104 Sensing and Intelligent Systems
1.050 Solid Mechanics OR 1.060 Fluid Mechanics
Elective Subjects with Engineering Content
Students are required to take at least 48 units of Restricted Electives selected from subjects offered within or outside CEE to form a coherent program of study under supervision by CEE faculty.
Unrestricted Electives
Students are required to take at least 48 units of Unrestricted Electives. This requirement can be met by any combination of subjects of the student’s choosing.
CEE Educational Objectives and Outcomes
Learn more about the program’s educational objectives and student outcomes that are consistent with the requirements of ABET.
The Bachelor of Science in Climate System Science and Engineering jointly offered between the Departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, ensures a solid foundation of the necessary fundamental science, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology with advanced study in how to model and analyze complex climate and environmental phenomena. Students also work together with their advisor to select elective subjects in a broad range of social science disciplines to develop an understanding of the political and social issues tied to addressing climate change. The MIT-centric major teaches hard analytic and computational skills and prepares students to use these skills to solve global-scale environmental problems. The major is particularly designed to combine earth system science together with engineering systems, with a flexible module of restricted electives to design your own course of study.
For more information about this degree, including degree requirements, visit the Climate-Major website.