PhD student Josh Moss studying Atmospheric chemistry in Professor Jesse Kroll’s Lab, is examining the chemistry of gases and particles in the atmosphere that humans are releasing, and their interactions with existing particles in the atmosphere. […]
PhD student Josh Moss studying Atmospheric chemistry in Professor Jesse Kroll’s Lab, is examining the chemistry of gases and particles in the atmosphere that humans are releasing, and their interactions with existing particles in the atmosphere. […]
Associate Professor Jesse Kroll and Professor Colette Heald each received funding from the MIT Tata Center for Technology and Design for two new research projects that can make an impact on the developing world. Kroll received […]
Associate Professor and Associate Department Head of CEE Colette Heald participated in the Global Food+ symposium on February 16. Heald spoke about the impact of particulate matter on crops, particularly maize, wheat and rice. The symposium […]
Research from Colette Heald, Associate Professor and Associate Department Head of CEE, research scientist David Ridley and Professor Jesse Kroll, shows that the Clean Air Act saved more lives than initially estimated by the U.S. Environmental […]
[fusion_text]Applying to graduate school is one of the most exciting times of an academic’s career. Each university has a different feel, program, and experience. Even at MIT CEE, we have various program ranging from the 9-month […]
[fusion_text]New research from Associate Professor of CEE and Chemical Engineering Jesse Kroll and James Hunter PhD ’15, now a technical instructor in DMSE, fills in significant gaps in the inventory of organic compounds in the atmosphere. […]
[fusion_text]Jesse Kroll, Associate Professor of CEE and Chemistry, was profiled on MIT News for his work on the role of organic compounds in the air. Learn about how Kroll came to MIT and how his research […]
Hi I’m Josh Moss and I’m a graduate student who works in Professor Jesse Kroll’s lab studying atmospheric chemistry. Hi! I’m Stephen Duncan and I am a first year student interested in chemical and environmental engineering […]
On Nov. 16, Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP) announced its 2016 class of student fellows. Among the four new selected fellows is Sam Silva, a graduate student in Professor Colette Heald’s group focusing on atmospheric chemistry […]
Through a study that explains how rain droplets attract aerosols out of the atmosphere, a group of atmospheric chemists at MIT have now determined just how effective rain is in cleaning the atmosphere. CEE and Atmospheric […]