On Monday, April 6 the inaugural MIT Water Innovation Prize Final Pitch will take place at 5:30 p.m. in Kirsch Auditorium (32-123). Organized by the student-led MIT Water Club, the prize joins MIT’s growing force of initiatives tackling water […]
On Monday, April 6 the inaugural MIT Water Innovation Prize Final Pitch will take place at 5:30 p.m. in Kirsch Auditorium (32-123). Organized by the student-led MIT Water Club, the prize joins MIT’s growing force of initiatives tackling water […]
In the second installment of the CEE Distinguished Speaker Series (DSS), Professor Emmanuel Villermaux discussed the theory of fragmentation in relation to the forced radial expansion of a spherical liquid shell, or bubble. Providing a widespread […]
Kelsey Damrad Civil and Environmental Engineering Research on the volcanic plume’s evolving chemical composition may lead to better understanding of effects on human health, infrastructure and environment Since 1983, the 180,000 residents of the Big Island […]
The deadline to submit your nominations for the CEE Awards is fast approaching! All members from the CEE community are welcome to submit a nomination to cee-awards@mit.edu no later than March 31, 2015 and are invited […]
The use of origami-folding principles to design new functional materials and structural elements in civil engineering was the focus of one recent CEE perspective paper written by Course 1 graduate student Talal Al-Mulla ‘13 and Department […]
Members of the School of Engineering (SoE) are invited to submit their nominations for this spring’s SoE Infinite Miles Award by Friday, April 3 to Department Head Markus Buehler. The Infinite Mile Awards support the Institute […]
Exploration of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, for shale gas and the excavation technique’s rapid growth over the past decade in the U.S. and Western Canada will be the topic of discussion in the 2015 John R. […]
Eight CEE faculty members were selected as the recipients of the Environmental Solutions Initiative Seed Grants program, for their proposals that advance the search for solutions on complex environmental issues. Four out of the nine winning […]
On March 18, CEE Professor Lydia Bourouiba was awarded with a 2015-2016 Alumni Class Funds grant in support of her curriculum development project, “Incorporating state-of-the-art hands-on high-speed videography and image analysis lab activities to enhance learning […]
This semester, the Pierce Student Seminar Series will be hosting an informal forum for those students wishing to present their research to fellow graduate students and the wider community. Any student interested in enhancing his/her presentation […]
On March 19, Wayne Loel Professor of Earth Sciences (Emeritus) at Stanford University Amos Nur presented a Special Pierce Lab Seminar entitled, “Imaging and Computing: Digital Rock Physics for Reservoir Characterization, Simulation, and Monitoring” to a […]
In a nutrient-starved ocean, sinking particles are an ideal spot for microbial activity than the surrounding water, as they are composed of a higher cell count and larger, more active cells. On March 19, Dr. Erik […]
The MIT Forum for Supply Chain Innovation announced that William Ruh, vice president and global technology director of GE, will deliver the keynote at its spring conference, Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Data Science and Analytics, on […]
Kelsey Damrad Civil and Environmental Engineering “What is ONE@MIT research, and its impact on society?” was the pivotal question posed to students and postdocs in the 2nd Annual Course 1 Video Competition. After a three-month long […]
Every spring, CEE bestows a selection of awards to its students, faculty and staff. This year, three new awards will be added to the mix: the Juan Hermosilla ’57 Prize to recognize talent and potential at […]