For Elfatih Eltahir, malaria symptoms always began the same way: chills that eventually gave way to high fever, a pounding headache, and nausea that persisted until this cycle finally broke days later. First encountered at a […]
For Elfatih Eltahir, malaria symptoms always began the same way: chills that eventually gave way to high fever, a pounding headache, and nausea that persisted until this cycle finally broke days later. First encountered at a […]
Breene M. Kerr Professor Elfatih Eltahir’s article titled “North China Plain threatened by deadly heatwaves due to climate change and irrigation,” is one of the Top 50 (#10) most read Earth and planetary sciences Nature Communications […]
PhD student Josh Moss studying Atmospheric chemistry in Professor Jesse Kroll’s Lab, is examining the chemistry of gases and particles in the atmosphere that humans are releasing, and their interactions with existing particles in the atmosphere. […]
Breene M. Kerr Professor Elfatih Eltahir hosted a workshop at MIT, organized by the Lincoln Laboratory in collaboration with CEE, to examine national security repercussions of climate change. The workshop was attended by MIT researchers and […]
PhD student Catherine Nikiel, working in Breene M. Kerr Professor Elfatih Eltahir’s Lab, is studying the impact of climate change on different aspects of the hydrological cycle. In particular, she is investigating the impact of land-use […]
Research from Professor Elfatih Eltahir shows that China’s most populous and agriculturally important region could face deadly heat waves unless significant measures are taken at the global scale to limit greenhouse gas emissions, and mitigate climate […]
Research from Professor Elfatih Eltahir and former postdoc Ross Alter was featured in Science Magazine. The news article about the CEE study, entitled “The United States’s Corn Belt is making its own weather,” discusses how agriculture had a […]
Research from Professor Elfatih Eltahir and former postdoc Ross Alter shows that intensive agriculture has an impact on summer climate in the Midwestern United States. Eltahir and Alter demonstrated that there was a significant empirical association […]
[fusion_text]New research from Breene M. Kerr Professor Elfatih Eltahir shows that deadly heat waves could harm South Asia, the home to one-fifth of the world’s population. The research suggests that climate change may cause summer heat […]
[fusion_text]Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSHub) Executive Director Jeremy Gregory and Co-Director Randy Kirchain were recently announced among the first-ever recipients of funding from the Campus Sustainability Incubator Fund through the MIT Office of Sustainability. The researchers will […]
[fusion_text]Research from Professor Charles Harvey into one of the last undisturbed tropical peat forests gives insight into how peatlands form and function, which could be important for evaluating future effects of climate change. The findings were […]
[fusion_text]New research by Bacardi Stockholm Water Foundations Professor Dara Entekhabi and a team of researchers found that extreme precipitation is expected to increase in California due to Earth’s warming climate. The researchers studied large-scale atmospheric features […]
In a study of high-resolution climate models by Prof. Elfatih Eltahir and alumnus Jeremy Pal ‘97, it has been revealed that parts of the Persian Gulf region could be hit with unprecedented events of deadly heat as a result […]
MIT News Detailed climate simulation shows a threshold of survivability could be crossed without mitigation measures. Within this century, parts of the Persian Gulf region could be hit with unprecedented events of deadly heat as a […]
On September 21, join us from 6-7:30 pm for a pizza dinner and viewing of the Boston Athenaeum’s panel “Boston: Sink or Swim,” featuring MIT faculty discussing the impacts of climate change in the Boston area. […]