According to the United Nations, the world has seen a rapid, seven-fold increase to the global population, leading to an important question in our quest to address human impact on climate change: how can we continue […]
According to the United Nations, the world has seen a rapid, seven-fold increase to the global population, leading to an important question in our quest to address human impact on climate change: how can we continue […]
For Elfatih Eltahir, malaria symptoms always began the same way: chills that eventually gave way to high fever, a pounding headache, and nausea that persisted until this cycle finally broke days later. First encountered at a […]
Rovi Porter is a Junior in MIT’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. With all the craziness of Covid-19, being sent home, and constantly trying to soak in all the new information, my summer internship […]
McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler and the Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics (LAMM) was featured in the New York Times for their research about the camouflaging characteristics of squid. Due to tiny […]
Associate Professor and Associate Department Head of CEE Colette Heald participated in the Global Food+ symposium on February 16. Heald spoke about the impact of particulate matter on crops, particularly maize, wheat and rice. The symposium […]
Assistant Professor Desiree Plata and the Nepf Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab were featured in a video from the Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI). The video gives an overview of ESI at MIT and announces the environmental sustainability […]
The School of Engineering recently announced the addition of sixteen new professors to departments across the School, including three new faculty in CEE. Assistant professor David Des Marais joined the department in October; Tami Lieberman will […]
[fusion_text]The CEE New Research Reception, held on October 26, brought together CEE alumni, friends and community members to hear about updates on the department and new research initiatives. The event featured research presentations from Professor Oral […]
[fusion_text]Assistant Professor Dave Des Marais was profiled on MIT News for his research into plant physiology and how plants naturally respond to environmental stresses. Des Marais officially joined the department on October 1, and works in […]
[fusion_text]Edmund K. Turner Professor in Civil Engineering Andrew Whittle and Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Paola Rizzoli led a research camp for MIT students, including CEE graduate student Paige Midstokke, rising senior Clio Macrakis […]
[fusion_text]New research by Bacardi Stockholm Water Foundations Professor Dara Entekhabi and a team of researchers found that extreme precipitation is expected to increase in California due to Earth’s warming climate. The researchers studied large-scale atmospheric features […]
Researchers at MIT are seeking to redesign concrete — the most widely used human-made material in the world — by following nature’s blueprints. In a paper published online in the journal Construction and Building Materials, the team contrasts […]
From June 13 to 17, 2016, the CEE department and the MIT Professional Education program will be offering a new short course, Agriculture, Innovation, and the Environment. The instructors include Professors Robert S. Langer, Martin Polz, […]
School of Engineering Environmental management approaches may be key in combating mosquito-borne infectious diseases. Like many engineers at MIT, Elfatih A. B. Eltahir builds models. But his models, numerically heavy and integrating satellite, atmospheric, and field […]
Kelsey Damrad Civil and Environmental Engineering MIT Water Summit presents insights, innovations, and solutions to protect our world’s most abundant natural resource. Amid a changing climate, population growth, rapid development, and pervasive urbanization, an unprecedented threat […]