Frontline PBS three-part documentary investigates the decades-long failure to confront the threat of climate change and the role of the fossil fuel industry In the third episode of the new docuseries “The Power of Big Oil” […]
Frontline PBS three-part documentary investigates the decades-long failure to confront the threat of climate change and the role of the fossil fuel industry In the third episode of the new docuseries “The Power of Big Oil” […]
Assistant Professor Lydia Bourouiba was featured in the “Storied Women of MIT” video series for Women’s History Month. The video highlights Bourouiba’s contributions to the field of fluid mechanics as they are applied to disease transmission. […]
Assistant Professor Desiree Plata and the Nepf Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab were featured in a video from the Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI). The video gives an overview of ESI at MIT and announces the environmental sustainability […]
[fusion_text]Edmund K. Turner Professor in Civil Engineering Andrew Whittle and Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Paola Rizzoli led a research camp for MIT students, including CEE graduate student Paige Midstokke, rising senior Clio Macrakis […]
[fusion_text]“How can we reduce the environmental damage that agriculture so often causes and support the livelihood of farmers, all while continuing to feed the growing world population?” This question was central to the winning entry at […]
Enter the Third Annual Course 1 Video Competition and present an original video that answers the question, “Big Engineering can be defined in many ways; one being small scale change with big impact. How does YOUR […]
New high-speed videos show that as a person sneezes, they launch a sheet of fluid that balloons, breaks apart, and ultimately scatters as a spray of droplets. The researchers recorded more than 100 sneezes to reveal […]
MIT News High-speed imaging shows how fluid breaks apart in air, may be useful in identifying super-spreaders. Here’s some incentive to cover your mouth the next time you sneeze: New high-speed videos captured by MIT researchers […]
Enter the Third Annual Course 1 Video Competition and present an original video that answers the question, “Big Engineering can be defined in many ways; one being small scale change with big impact. How does YOUR […]
Enter the Third Annual Course 1 Video Competition and present an original video that answers the question, “Big Engineering can be defined in many ways; one being small scale change with big impact. How does YOUR […]
To most, buildings and bridges appear stationary, fixed in place. However, a recent study indicates that a team of MIT researchers perceives infrastructural movements a little differently. CEE Professor Oral Buyukozturk, CEE graduate student Justin Chen […]
Kelsey Damrad Civil and Environmental Engineering “What is ONE@MIT research, and its impact on society?” was the pivotal question posed to students and postdocs in the 2nd Annual Course 1 Video Competition. After a three-month long […]
The Second Annual Course 1 Video Competition deadline is right around the corner! Join us on Thursday, March 12 at 4:30 pm in 32-155 to watch the CEE students and post docs present a two-minute video […]