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Tami Lieberman

Tami Lieberman
  • Title Hermann L. F. von Helmholtz Professor, Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Associate Professor of Institute for Medical Engineering and Science
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  • Faculties Climate, Environment & Life Science
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  • Assistant Zoe Conn |


  • BA, Biological Sciences, Northwestern University, 2009
  • PhD, Systems Biology, Harvard University, 2014

Research Interests

Professor Lieberman studies microbial evolution in real time, with a focus on mutations occuring within individual human ‘microbiomes’ – the set of microbes that live in and on us during health. Her lab is interested in understanding the molecular determinants of colonization success in complex environments and enabling the precise manipulations of microbiomes in the clinic and the environment.

Selected Publications

  1. Conwill A, Kuan AC, Damerla R, Poret AJ, Tripp AD, Alm EJ, Lieberman TD (2022).  Anatomy promotes neutral coexistence of strains in the human skin microbiome. Cell Host and Microbe. doi: 10.1101/2021.05.12.443817. PMID: 34995483 
  2. Key FM, Khadka VD, Romo-González C, Blake KJ, Deng L, Lynn TC, Lee JC, Chiu IM, García-Romero MT, Lieberman TD (2023). On-person adaptive evolution of Staphylococcus aureus during treatment for atopic dermatitis. Cell Host & Microbe. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2023.03.009. PMID: 37054679 
  3. S. Gupta, A. J. Poret, D. Hashemi, A. Eseonu, S. H. Yu, J. D’gama, V. A. Neel, Lieberman TD (2022). Cutaneous Surgical Wounds Have Distinct Microbiomes from Intact Skin. Microbiology Spectrum doi: 10.1128/spectrum.03300-22 
  4. Zhao S*, Lieberman TD*+, Poyet M, Kauffman KM, Gibbons SM, Groussin M, Xaiver RJ, Alm EJ+ (2019). Adaptive evolution within the gut microbiome of individual people. Cell Host & Microbe. PMID: 31028005.

View a full list of Professor Lieberman’s publications