By Denise Brehm Civil & Environmental Engineering A new study by civil engineers at MIT shows that using stiffer pavements on the nation’s roads could reduce vehicle fuel consumption by as much as 3 percent — a […]
By Denise Brehm Civil & Environmental Engineering A new study by civil engineers at MIT shows that using stiffer pavements on the nation’s roads could reduce vehicle fuel consumption by as much as 3 percent — a […]
A new study by Professor Franz-Josef Ulm and Ph.D. student Mehdi Akbarian shows that using stiffer pavements on the nation’s roads could reduce vehicle fuel consumption by as much as 3 percent — a savings that could add up to […]
Long-time lecturer Lisa O’Donnell was honored with the CEE Excellence in Academic Service Award for her work with M.Eng. students on their projects in high-performance structures and geotechnical projects, and with Course 1 seniors on their […]
A School of Engineering award honoring extraordinary teaching and mentoring by a graduate student went this year to CEE’s Chelsea Humbyrd. One nomination letter said: “Though many TAs can boast a mastery of the material they […]
The Ruth and Joel Spira Awards for Excellence in Teaching rotates among five engineering departments at MIT. This year’s award went to CEE’s Professor Heidi Nepf. One of many letters of nomination said: “Professor Nepf is […]
Professor Roman Stocker was recognized with the Maseeh Award for Excellence in Teaching. One nominator said of Stocker, “It is with great pleasure that I nominate Professor Stocker for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering […]
The Maseeh Award for Excellence as a Teaching Assistant went to Rory Clune, teaching assistant for 1.035 Mechanics I of Structures and Soils. One of his nominators said that Clune “cared deeply about his mission and […]
The Trond Kaalstad (Class of 1957) Fellowship was awarded to doctoral student Zenzie Brooks. The award is named for a long-time administrative officer of CEE and recognizes graduate students who display leadership and/or contribute significantly to […]
The Tucker-Voss Award was established in memory of Professor Ross F. Tucker and Professor Walter C. Voss, the first two heads of the Department of Building Construction (Course 17), which merged with the Department of Civil […]
Senior Tzipora Wagner received the Paul L. Busch (1958) Prize, which is awarded to an undergraduate student in environmental engineering science for academic achievement and contributions to the CEE community. A nominator described Wagner as a […]
Lorna Omondi, 1C senior, received the Leo (Class of 1924) and Mary Grossman Award, given to an undergraduate who has a strong academic record and interest in transportation. After graduation, Lorna will work at Charles River […]
Ph.D. student Zhao Qin recently received a scholarship award from the Chinese government’s China Scholarship Council designated to encourage research excellence and recognize the academic achievements of Chinese students studying abroad. Qin works on the computational […]
CEE sophomore Alexis Ludena, alumni relations chair for Theta Delta Chi fraternity, accepted the D. Reid Weedon Award for alumni relations on behalf of the fraternity at the May 9 Institute Awards Convocation. Theta Delta Chi’s […]
At the Institute Awards Convocation on May 9, Course 1E senior Columbus “Bus” Leonard, the goalie of the MIT water polo team, received the Howard W. Johnson Award for best male senior athlete. Leonard was also […]
Professor Sallie W. (Penny) Chisholm of CEE and biology and Professor John Cullen of Dalhousie University will receive the American Society for Limnology and Oceanography’s Ruth Patrick Award — which honors research in basic aquatic science […]