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The path from MIT undergraduate to MEng

By Sami Harper ’16, MEng ’17 I graduated in June 2017 from the MEng program in Environmental Engineering and Science, immediately after finishing my bachelor’s degree in the same department at MIT. This made my transition […]

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3 Reasons to Apply to the MIT CEE MEng Program

[fusion_text]The Civil and Environmental Engineering Masters of Engineering (MEng) degree program is a professional-oriented graduate program that consists of fast-paced coursework and significant engagement with a real world engineering projects, preparing graduates for a professional career […]

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CEE undergraduate degree receives ABET Accreditation

[fusion_text]The Engineering Accreditation Commission of Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), a nonprofit organization that accredits programs in applied science, computing, engineering and engineering technology, voted to accredit CEE’s undergraduate degree program. ABET accreditation provides […]

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CEE awards cross-disciplinary seed funds

[fusion_text]H.M. King Bhumibol Professor Dennis McLaughlin, Mitsui Chair Professor Serguei Saavedra, and assistant professors Tal Cohen and Otto X. Cordero were recently awarded CEE cross-disciplinary seed funds. The annual seed fund awards are given to promote […]

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