Studies of human mobility usually focus on either the small scale — individuals’ daily commutes — or the very large scale, such as using air-travel patterns to track the spread of epidemics over time. The large-scale […]
Studies of human mobility usually focus on either the small scale — individuals’ daily commutes — or the very large scale, such as using air-travel patterns to track the spread of epidemics over time. The large-scale […]
By Denise Brehm Civil & Environmental Engineering Studies of human mobility usually focus on either the small scale — determining the origins, destinations and travel modes of individuals’ daily commutes — or the very large scale, […]
The MIT chapter of Chi Epsilon, the national civil engineering honor society, welcomed seven new members during its annual initiation banquet held April 25 at the MIT Faculty Club. The initiates are seniors Zara L’Heureux, Andrew […]
Professor Saurabh Amin of CEE is the chief scientist and lead MIT principal investigator on a multi-institutional grant announced last week by the National Science Foundation. The goal of the project is to improve the operational […]
Assistant Professor Saurabh Amin of CEE is the chief scientist and lead MIT principal investigator on a multi-institutional grant announced last week by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The grant is one of two awards totaling […]
Eric Adams, senior lecturer, senior research engineer and director of the CEE M.Eng.program, is the subject of a news story on the MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) website. The article describes how Adams’ research in environmental […]
CEE seniors Di Jin, Andrew Sang and Jibo Wen are among 85 MIT students invited to join the MIT chapter (Xi Chapter) of Phi Beta Kappa. Membership in the society recognizes excellent academic work and commitment […]
At the MIT Awards Convocation held Thursday, April 25 in Room 10-250, CEE Professor Heidi Nepf received the Earll M. Murman Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising. The Murman Award honors a faculty member who has […]
The Oceans at MIT website has a new feature story on Professor Sallie (Penny) Chisholm’s lab, which studies Prochlorococcus, the world’s smallest and most abundant photosynthetic marine organism. Chisholm, who in January received the National Medal […]
Transportation graduate student Franco Chingcuanco, who works with Professor Carolina Osorio has been awarded the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada’s Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship for his ongoing M.S.T./Technology and Policy Program […]
The CEE-sponsored MIT Steel Bridge Team won first place at the New England regional steel bridge competition held on campus Saturday, April 20. Université Laval placed second, followed by the University of Massachusetts, Lowell in third […]
By Denise Brehm Civil & Environmental Engineering The CEE-sponsored MIT Steel Bridge Team won first place at the New England regional steel bridge competition held on campus Saturday, April 20. Université Laval placed second, followed by […]
M.S.T. students Naomi Stein and Allison (Sunny) Vanderboll have been selected as the MIT Graduate Women of Excellence by the Office of the Dean for Graduate Education. A reception April 23 at the Microsoft NERD Center […]
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) magazine Geo-Strata ran an article about Professor Emeritus Charles C. Ladd ’55, S.M. ’57, Sc.D. ’61. The article, which appeared in the January/February issue of the magazine, is the […]
A poster by three M.Eng. students — Fidele Bingwa, Francesca Cecinati and Yan Ma — won first place in a competition at the annual interdisciplinary water symposium held April 5 at Tufts University. The winning poster, […]