Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Admir Masic granted tenure

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is pleased to announce the promotion of Associate Professor Admir Masic to the rank of Associate Professor with Tenure effective July 1, 2024.
Masic’s work explores the ancient materials of the past to create a more sustainable future. His research focuses on the science-enabled engineering of sustainable materials for large scale infrastructure innovation. In the Masic Lab, researchers investigate the nanochemistry and mechanics of materials ranging from construction to archeological and biological materials. With expertise in in situ spectroscopy techniques, his lab seeks to translate the fundamental knowledge gained in the lab into engineering design tools for sustainable development of materials for construction, energy, and the environment.
His recent research revealed a key component of ancient Roman techniques for manufacturing “self-healing” concrete. These findings could contribute to reducing carbon emissions and creating modern resilient infrastructure. In addition, he aided in the development of an energy storing supercapacitor made from ancient materials including cement, carbon black, and water. The device could provide a low-cost energy storage system for renewable energy, such as solar or wind.
He is a principal investigator in the Concrete Sustainability Hub at MIT, a faculty fellow in Archeological Materials at MIT’s Center for Research in Archaeology and Ethnology (CMRAE), and the faculty director of the MIT Refugee ACTion Hub (ReACT). He is also the Faculty Director of the newly established EC^3 Hub, which focuses on multifunctional concrete.