[fusion_text] Work underscores C. difficile infection is not a common hospital transmission CAMBRIDGE, MA – New research from MIT suggests the risk of becoming colonized by Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) increases immediately following gastrointestinal (GI) disturbances […]

Former postdoc Wenbo Shi in Gilbert W. Winslow Career Development Assistant Professor Desiree Plata’s lab and colleagues from Yale University research is featured on the cover of Advanced Functional Materials. Their paper titled, “Engineering carbon nanotube […]

Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Assistant Professor Admir Masic, Graduate student Janille Maragh, and colleagues published today a research paper titled, The Temple Scroll: reconstructing an ancient manufacturing practice,” in Science Advances. The Temple […]

Breene M. Kerr Professor Elfatih Eltahir, Jeremy S. Pal SM ’97, PhD ’01, and postdoctoral associate SuchulKang published research paperin Geophysical Research letters titled, “Future heat stress during Muslim pilgrimage (Hajj) projected to exceed ‘extreme danger’ […]

Professor Martin Polz published a new research paper in Cell titled, “A reverse ecology approach based on a biological definition of microbial populations.” The researchers have developed a new method that allows for the identification of […]

Donald and Martha Harleman Professor Heidi Nepf and recent PhD student Jiarui Lei published research in the Journal of Fluids and Structures titled “Blade dynamics in combined waves and current” and in Coastal Engineering, titled “Wave damping by flexible vegetation,” that […]

Professor Eric J. Alm, Herman L.F. Von Helmholtz Career Development Assistant Professor Tami Lieberman, and graduate student Shijie Zhao published research in Cell Host & Microbe titled “Adaptive Evolution within Gut Microbiomes of Healthy People.” The researchers combined culture-based population […]

Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Assistant Professor Admir Masic and graduate student Hyun-Chae Chad Loh, published research in ACS Central Science titled “Mapping and Profiling Lipid Distribution in a 3D Model of Breast Cancer Progression,” as […]

McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler, former postdoc Anna Tarakanova and Claire Hsu ’20 published a paper in Science Advances about the use of spider silk for robotics muscles. The spider silk’s robustness […]

McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler, research scientist Francisco Martín-Martínez, and research affiliate Jingjie Yeo from the Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics (LAMM) published a paper in Nature Communications on paraffin-enabled graphene […]

Professor Ben-Akiva and co-authors Daniel McFadden and Kenneth Train, published “Foundations of Stated Preference Elicitation: Consumer Behavior and Choice-based Conjoint Analysis” in Foundations and Trends Econometrics. It provides the reader with stated preference data collection methods, […]

[fusion_text]When the Chinese first discovered silk, its superior quality and properties were thought so special, it was reserved exclusively for clothing the emperor, his relatives, and dignitaries. And for more than two millennia, the mechanisms of […]
By Denise Brehm Civil & Environmental Engineering In most cities, traffic growth has outpaced road capacity, leading to increased congestion, particularly during the morning and evening commutes. In 2007, congestion on U.S. roads was responsible for […]
By Denise Brehm Civil and Environmental Engineering Concrete may be one of the most familiar building materials on Earth, but its underlying structure remains a bit of a mystery. Materials scientists and concrete engineers still don’t […]
By Denise Brehm Civil and Environmental Engineering Competition is a strong driving force of evolution for organisms of all sizes; those individuals best equipped to obtain resources adapt and reproduce, while others may fall by the […]