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2015 News in Brief



Discover Course 1 concludes with freshmen competition

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About a dozen incoming freshmen participated in Discover Course 1 (DC1) this past week during FPOP, Freshman Pre-Orientation Programs. Mentored by CEE upperclassman, the students participated in several departmental education modules culminating in a competition based on a hypothetical renovation of the Longfellow Bridge. The competition encouraged the students to uncover innovative engineering solutions while balancing real-world concerns related to the environment, structural design, and infrastructure. Two teams were selected by the faculty and graduate student judges as winners for their outstanding proposals: Team ‘DC Fun’ with Isaac Guerrero, Florence Lo, and Amber Van Hemel; and ‘SpontaneiTeam’ with Henry Cheung, Austin Wang, and Kyra Post. The one trophy available was awarded to team ‘DC Fun’ with the understanding that it would be shared with ‘SpontaneiTeam’ after six months.