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How to see a total solar eclipse

By Shannon Wing ’22 Living in Santiago for the summer, I was approximately 6 hours away from a total solar eclipse viewing on this past July 2. I was the closest I had ever been to […]

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ONE-MA3: Castle on the Hill

By Anna Landler ’22 I went into this trip with few expectations. That’s not the same as low expectations. I simply did not have any concrete things that I expected. I had a notion of general […]

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ONE-MA3: More Than Travel Companions

By Anna Landler ’22 ONE-MA3 has provided each of us with an unrivaled experience. We have had experts lecture in every aspect of conservation from history to preservation methods. Just the other day we had Duncan, […]

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ONE-MA3: Our last day in Italia

By Meriah Gannon ’22 Almost three and a half weeks after we first landed in Italy, our last full day in this country has arrived. Although I was sad to see this day come, I was […]

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ONE-MA3: Gypsum Adventures in Aramengo

By Carene Umubyeyi ’22 Our last day of ONE-MA3 was spent applying what we learned in Professor Ochsendorf’s lecture at the American Academy in Rome by constructing our own gypsum shell structures using minimal reinforcement. We […]

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The Power of Pigments

By Sophia Mittman ’22 Even though the ONE-MA^3 program has finished, I decided to stay in Italy to work with the University of Turin and the Museo Egizio (Egyptian Museum) studying the pigment Egyptian blue and […]

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Cajón del Maipo

By Shannon Wing ’22 When making the decision on what to do with my summer, I had two requirements. Number 1: Work within the field of sustainability. Number 2: Be somewhere where I could hike and […]

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A Summer in Chile

By Shannon Wing ’22 Hello! Two weeks ago at around this time, I was waking up to my new neighbor friend tapping me on the shoulder saying, ‘we are here.” I had somehow managed to sleep […]

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