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2016 News Releases



Finding a new formula for concrete

Researchers at MIT are seeking to redesign concrete — the most widely used human-made material in the world — by following nature’s blueprints. In a paper published online in the journal Construction and Building Materials, the team contrasts […]

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MIT at the Venice Biennale

On a global stage, MIT helps steer architecture toward solving worldwide challenges. At the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale, opening Saturday, architects and designers have responded to a charge to “report from the front” on major challenges […]

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The tenured engineers of 2016

Seven appointments are made in the School of Engineering. The School of Engineering has announced that seven members of its faculty have been granted tenure by MIT. “These newly tenured colleagues have demonstrated a commitment to […]

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CEE announces three new professorships

Marilyn Siderwicz | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering  Effective July 1, three Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) professors will receive named professorships in recognition for their important contributions to the department and the […]

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Crowdsourcing the Silver Line commute

New app from MIT researchers gathers rider feedback to improve Boston bus service. Crowdsourced data may soon improve commutes for Boston residents who ride the Silver Line bus.   A new smartphone initiative called QualiT, launched this […]

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Coming together across expanses

Civil and environmental engineering activities at MIT 2016 Open House spark connections. Marilyn Siderwicz | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering  Whether jostling closer to the toy building pieces, ogling liquid hair being transformed into holograms, […]

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There’s something in the air

Colette Heald studies atmospheric gases and particles, and how they affect air quality and climate. Winds that blow across the Sahara desert in North Africa pick up particles of soil and sand, and typically carry them […]

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How to make cities more efficient

Retrofitting a small portion of buildings would have big impact on cities’ carbon emissions. Many programs encourage owners of homes and other buildings to improve their energy efficiency, sometimes offering substantial subsidies or tax incentives for […]

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Research sheds light on delicate forest biodiversity

Quantitative study of Poland’s Bialowieza Forest highlights processes shaping species coexistence and potential impacts of deforestation. Marilyn Siderwicz | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering    Białowieża Forest in Poland has been in the news lately […]

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