Four in CEE involved in prize-winning teams in IDEAS competition
CEE senior Sidhant Pai’s team — Protoprint — won $10,000 in the MIT IDEAS Global Challenge May 5. MyH2O, a team managed by doctoral student Charlene Ren, won a $1,500 prize in the competition, as did Ways2Clean, which includes sophomore Tamanna Islam Urmi on its team. Senior lecturer Susan Murcott mentored MyH2O and Ways2Clean, as well as a $10,000 prize-winning team — CleanData-CleanWater. Protoprint trains marginalized waste-pickers in India to use machines that convert plastics into filament for 3-D printing. MyH2O is one of the first online crowd-sourcing platforms for water pollution issues in China. Ways2Clean is redesigning the waste-collection system and teaching people in Dinajapur, Bangladesh, an awareness of the environment and how to manage waste in a sustainable way. CleanData-CleanWater makes sensors that fit onto a household tap to gather data about filter use in the developing world. Since 2002, Murcott has mentored 25 winning teams in the IDEAS competition. Of those, 64 percent are led by women. Read a story.