ONE-MA3: More Than Travel Companions

By Anna Landler ’22
ONE-MA3 has provided each of us with an unrivaled experience. We have had experts lecture in every aspect of conservation from history to preservation methods. Just the other day we had Duncan, a Roman society, environment and technology expert, give us a tour around Pompeii that exceeded any tours provided on site – English-speaking tourists would seem to linger around our group just to listen to him describe the extensive water system in Pompeii.
Rovi Porter ’22, Simon Chuang ’22, Professor Masic, and myself (left to right), as we leave the castle one day. Clearly, this photo wasn’t planned
Everyone we have interacted with certainty deserves an appreciation post. An underrated aspect of this trip is the other students. I’m sure this has been said by hundreds of students about MIT in general. It’s true that this school is a home for some of the most incredible, curious, and driven young people from across the globe. When you are in Italy, attempting to absorb all of the lectures and experiences that the country has to offer, it can be easy to overlook the simple importance of your peers.
Lunch in Terracina. From left to right: Maritza Gallegos ’22, Stephanie Baez ’22, Carene Umubyeyi ’22, Simon Chuang ’22, and myself
Everyone on this trip is more than a classmate, and more than a friend; they’re also teachers, as these are people that I’ve had the pleasure of learning from because everyone has something to offer.
The other day in Terracina, after long hours of photogrammetry of an ancient temple and analysis of the Via Apia (a major Roman road), the group decided to relax on the beach. I sat on the beach with Ben (shout out to Ben Bartschi ‘22, he’s the best). And we just discussed what we wanted about of college, why we chose Course 1, what our jobs might look like… and I think that it is conversations like this that are most valuable. Seeing your peers Duolingo daily to learn a bit of Italian to get by when ordering gelato, running their photogrammetry models into the wee hours of morning (and adding effects for fun, if you’re Ben) is the kind of passion and drive that I can only hope to gain through osmosis.
Jade Ishii ’22, Lucy McMillan ’22, myself, Meriah Gannon ’22. At least we tried to get a jumping photo at the aqueduct
Every single person here has been vital to the success of this trip. I can’t wait to see what the probing questions and seeds of interest will turn into come the fall, as we complete our projects for 1.057!
Visiting the colosseum together on our free day in Rome!