Strategy accelerates the best algorithmic solvers for large sets of cities. Waiting for a holiday package to be delivered? There’s a tricky math problem that needs to be solved before the delivery truck pulls up to […]
Strategy accelerates the best algorithmic solvers for large sets of cities. Waiting for a holiday package to be delivered? There’s a tricky math problem that needs to be solved before the delivery truck pulls up to […]
Former postdoc Wenbo Shi in Gilbert W. Winslow Career Development Assistant Professor Desiree Plata’s lab and colleagues from Yale University research is featured on the cover of Advanced Functional Materials. Their paper titled, “Engineering carbon nanotube […]
Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Assistant Professor Admir Masic, Graduate student Janille Maragh, and colleagues published today a research paper titled, The Temple Scroll: reconstructing an ancient manufacturing practice,” in Science Advances. The Temple […]
Breene M. Kerr Professor Elfatih Eltahir, Jeremy S. Pal SM ’97, PhD ’01, and postdoctoral associate SuchulKang published research paperin Geophysical Research letters titled, “Future heat stress during Muslim pilgrimage (Hajj) projected to exceed ‘extreme danger’ […]
By Shannon Wing ’22 I woke up on Saturday morning at 9am to a text from a friend, “I am heading off to hike Cerro Provincia. I am assuming you and Lulu aren’t going to make […]
By Shannon Wing ’22 When hearing about the Atacama Desert from my coworkers, I immediately knew that it was where I wanted to go for my one long weekend of the summer. Not until a few […]
By Marcin Hajduczek ’22 Standing in the middle of the city, I could barely open my eyes against the sun reflecting off of endless slabs of marble. The piazza I stood in was the size of […]
Zachary Roberts ’21 Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)—also known as drones—are disrupting the construction industry. They provide a cheap alternative for aerial surveying and surveillance, which has attracted the interest of many contractors and sent them in […]
Professor Martin Polz published a new research paper in Cell titled, “A reverse ecology approach based on a biological definition of microbial populations.” The researchers have developed a new method that allows for the identification of […]
Associate Professor Lydia Bourouiba presented a TEDMED 2018 talk in front of a live audience. In the talk, now released, Professor Bourouiba distilled her recent work on fluid dynamics and respiratory disease transmission. Spanning the arch from the […]
By Sophia Mittman ’22 “When you first start, and then you fail, that’s when it gets interesting, and you realize what you need to do next.” The wise words of Professor Masic resonated in our ears […]
By Sophia Mittman ’22 After spending three days in Turin, we traveled a short ways away to the nearby village of Aramengo, which has a population of about 500 (comparable to the occupancy of the Maseeh […]
By Shannon Wing ’22 Living in Santiago for the summer, I was approximately 6 hours away from a total solar eclipse viewing on this past July 2. I was the closest I had ever been to […]
By Sophia Mittman ’22 Over the course of the entire trip, we’ve heard all about gypsum. Gypsum this, gypsum that. When I first heard the word during the information sessions for ONE-MA^3, I was confused by […]
Breene M. Kerr Professor Elfatih Eltahir’s article titled “North China Plain threatened by deadly heatwaves due to climate change and irrigation,” is one of the Top 50 (#10) most read Earth and planetary sciences Nature Communications […]