Paul M. Cook Career Development Professor Benedetto Marelli received the 2018 Young Investigator Award from the Department of the Navy’s Office of Naval Research. The award can be used to support laboratory equipment, stipends and scholarships, […]
Paul M. Cook Career Development Professor Benedetto Marelli received the 2018 Young Investigator Award from the Department of the Navy’s Office of Naval Research. The award can be used to support laboratory equipment, stipends and scholarships, […]
Associate Professor and Associate Department Head of CEE Colette Heald participated in the Global Food+ symposium on February 16. Heald spoke about the impact of particulate matter on crops, particularly maize, wheat and rice. The symposium […]
Research from Professor Elfatih Eltahir and former postdoc Ross Alter was featured in Science Magazine. The news article about the CEE study, entitled “The United States’s Corn Belt is making its own weather,” discusses how agriculture had a […]
Assistant Professor Otto X. Cordero taught a special subject, 1.S992 (Agricultural Microbial Ecology), in Israel over this Independent Activities Period (IAP). Agricultural Microbial Ecology was a collaboration between Cordero and Professor Itzhak Mizrahi of Ben-Gurion University […]
Research from Professor Elfatih Eltahir and former postdoc Ross Alter shows that intensive agriculture has an impact on summer climate in the Midwestern United States. Eltahir and Alter demonstrated that there was a significant empirical association […]
Assistant Professor Ben Kocar led a group of students to Hawaii this Independent Activities Period (IAP) to conduct environmental research as part of CEE’s Traveling Research Environmental eXperiences (TREX) program. The students were tasked with executing […]
Assistant Professor Desiree Plata and the Nepf Environmental Fluid Mechanics Lab were featured in a video from the Environmental Solutions Initiative (ESI). The video gives an overview of ESI at MIT and announces the environmental sustainability […]
Research from Professor Oral Buyukozturk, research scientist Kunal Kupwade-Patil and junior Stephanie Chin shows that using volcanic ash in place of traditional cement can reduce the embodied energy that goes into manufacturing concrete. Chin has been […]
Research from Professor Markus Buehler and the Laboratory for Atomistic and Molecular Mechanics on subnanometer-scale channels was featured on the cover of the February issue of Nature Materials. The research modeled the mechanisms of molybdenum disulfide, […]
The MIT Refugee Action (ReACT) Certificate Program, created by Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Professor Admir Masic, launched its first cohort of participants in Jordan. The participants will complete a year-long blended-learning program focused […]
Professor Martin Polz and postdoctoral associate Kathryn Kauffman have discovered a new type of virus that is representative of the uncharacterized majority of viruses in the ocean. Named Autolykiviridae after a character from Greek mythology who […]
Graduate student Tianli Zhou of the Interdepartmental Transportation Program was profiled on MIT News for his research into vehicle sharing services. Zhou and Evan Fields, a PhD candidate in MIT’s Operations Research Center, used data from […]
Professor Ruben Juanes is the principal investigator and director of the newly established Center of Excellence in Multiscale Reservoir Science, a partnership between MIT and the College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (CPG) at King Fahd […]
Research from Professor Martin Polz, in collaboration with Professor Eric Alm, shows that microbial communities in the ocean are able to form despite rapidly varying conditions in a coastal environment, but that these communities demonstrate high […]
Research from Colette Heald, Associate Professor and Associate Department Head of CEE, research scientist David Ridley and Professor Jesse Kroll, shows that the Clean Air Act saved more lives than initially estimated by the U.S. Environmental […]