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2016 News in Brief



Professor Jesse Kroll Awarded Tenure

Professor Jesse Kroll was promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure, effective July 1. Professor Kroll’s research focuses on the properties and chemical transformation of organic species in the Earth’s atmosphere. His interests also include the development […]

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Stephanie Chin Awarded MIT Freshman Award

On May 12, Stephanie Chin received an Institute-wide Freshman Award for Distinguished Achievement in Research for her UROP work on the use of nano cement additives for sustainability of built environment, conducted under the supervision of […]

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CEE Announces Three New Professorships

Also effective July 1, Professors Elfatih Eltahir, Benedetto Marelli, and Admir Masic will hold new institute-wide professorship title. Professor Eltahir will hold the institute-wide Breene M. Kerr Professorship for a five-year term. Marelli will hold the Paul […]

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CEE Grilled Cheese During Finals Week

On May 17, CEE students took time during a busy finals schedule to enjoy grilled cheese with classmates, professors, and staff. The grilled cheese sandwiches were cooked and served by Professors Eltahir, Marelli and Buehler and […]

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Ultra-thin Silk Keeps Fruit Fresh

Professor Benedetto Marelli reported a study in which he and coworkers added a thin silk coating onto strawberries, resulting in increased fruit firmness and preventing fruit decay. The 27-35 microns-thick coating is thin, odorless, and does […]

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Professor Hemond and co-author win book award

Professor Harry Hemond and co-author Liz Fechner were awarded the 2015 Texty Textbook Excellence Award in the Physical Sciences category for edition III of their recent book, Chemical Fate and Transport in the Environment, published by […]

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IJAM Paper receives accolades

Research Scientist Zhao Qin and McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler received a Most Cited Paper Award for their co-authored paper, “Robustness-Strength Performance of Hierarchical Alpha-Helical Protein Filaments” published in the International Journal […]

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How to make cities more efficient

New research shows how to identify buildings where retrofitting for energy efficiency will have the biggest impact on a city’s overall greenhouse gas emissions. The findings, which require only minimal information about the buildings and their […]

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