[fusion_text]A new machine-learning algorithm from Professor David Simchi-Levi has helped online retailers determine the ideal price for products. The method led to an increase in revenue, profit and market share for retailers such as Rue La […]
[fusion_text]A new machine-learning algorithm from Professor David Simchi-Levi has helped online retailers determine the ideal price for products. The method led to an increase in revenue, profit and market share for retailers such as Rue La […]
[fusion_text]On Friday, September 8, Assistant Professor Otto Cordero and Visiting Associate Professor Roman Stocker hosted a group of researchers at MIT for the first meeting of the Simons Foundation collaboration “Theory of Microbial Ecosystems” (THE-ME). THE-ME […]
[fusion_text]Professor Oral Buyukozturk recently received a $1.3 million research grant from Shell to develop innovative technologies to detect and characterize oil operation induced earthquakes in areas near urban populations and to study the effects in neighborhood […]
[fusion_text]This summer, members of the Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSHub) traveled to New Brunswick, Canada to get a firsthand look at concrete durability issues at the Mactaquac Dam. CSHub is collaborating with researchers from the University of […]
[fusion_text]Research from McAfee Professor of Engineering and Department Head Markus Buehler and graduate student Grace Gu into the unique structure of conch shells was featured in Popular Science. The article details three bioinspired materials: alligator gar, […]
[fusion_text]On August 15, a group of 30 children and teenagers came to campus to participate in the second annual CEE Kids Camp. The day-long event featured numerous STEM activities for children of all ages and abilities, […]
[fusion_text]New research from Associate Professor of CEE and Chemical Engineering Jesse Kroll and James Hunter PhD ’15, now a technical instructor in DMSE, fills in significant gaps in the inventory of organic compounds in the atmosphere. […]
[fusion_text]The Darwin Project, an alliance between oceanographers and microbiologists in CEE and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), received funding from the Simons Foundation to expand computing resources to model microbial communities. The […]
[fusion_text]New research from Breene M. Kerr Professor Elfatih Eltahir shows that deadly heat waves could harm South Asia, the home to one-fifth of the world’s population. The research suggests that climate change may cause summer heat […]
[fusion_text]Esther and Harold E. Edgerton Career Development Professor Admir Masic, and teaching assistants Linda Seymour and Chad Loh, led a group of ten students around Italy for the second annual summer fieldwork program on Materials in […]
[fusion_text]Bacardi and Stockholm Water Foundations Professor Dara Entekhabi was recently awarded the Dave and Lucille Atlas Remote Sensing Prize from the American Meteorological Society for his scientific and technical leadership in providing remote sensing data and […]
[fusion_text]Edmund K. Turner Professor in Civil Engineering Andrew Whittle and Professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Paola Rizzoli led a research camp for MIT students, including CEE graduate student Paige Midstokke, rising senior Clio Macrakis […]
[fusion_text]CEE Professors Lydia Bourouiba, Markus Buehler, Daniel Cziczo, Benjamin Kocar, Chandra Madramootoo, Benedetto Marelli and Dennis McLaughlin each presented on their research and fielded questions from industry practitioners as part of an MIT Professional Education short […]
[fusion_text]Concrete Sustainability Hub (CSHub) Executive Director Jeremy Gregory and Co-Director Randy Kirchain were recently announced among the first-ever recipients of funding from the Campus Sustainability Incubator Fund through the MIT Office of Sustainability. The researchers will […]
[fusion_text]Robert N. Noyce Career Development Associate Professor Xuanhe Zhao recently designed a new soft and slippery yet tough coating that can be applied to plastic and rubber materials such as surgical tubing. The coating makes medical […]