Pedro Reis and Ken Kamrin develop semi-online course for 2.002 Mechanics and Materials II
Assistant Professor Pedro Reis of CEE and Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Assistant Professor Ken Kamrin of ME developed a new online version of 2.002 (Mechanics and Materials II), a core requirement in mechanical engineering. The online course, i2.002, features videotaped lectures from 2.002, as well as recitations and a discussion forum. One element that sets i2.002 apart from other MOOCs is its ease of searching: Search a key word or concept, and a video will start at exactly the moment in a lecture when that concept is introduced. Reis and Kamrin developed the online course for MIT students who have a scheduling conflict with 2.002’s lecture period, allowing these students to watch lectures on their own time, but requiring them to attend regular lab sections and take in-class exams. The semi-online course is sponsored by MIT’s Office of Educational Innovation and Technology (OEIT), the Office of Digital Learning, ME and the School of Engineering. Kamrin and Reis are now collaborating with OEIT to incorporate new technologies into their project. Read a news story.