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Major in 1, Minor in 6

CEE has developed a joint major + minor degree track that brings together the CEE major (General Engineering, Course 1-ENG) with a Computer Science minor (Course 6) to give students a leading edge.

Students can focus in one of three areas:

  • Smart Cities
  • Systems Engineering
  • Environmental Modeling and Analytics

Students can focus in one of three areas:

  • Smart Cities
  • Systems Engineering
  • Environmental Modeling and Analytics

Smart Cities

A proliferation of data and networked systems are creating more efficient and sustainable alternatives for infrastructure and transportation systems. The smart cities joint major + minor degree track prepares students with the skills and understanding to be leaders and developers of the future. 

View Roadmap for Smart Cities.

Systems Engineering

Design and manage large scale complex systems that can be applied to a number of domains, including supply chain and logistics; infrastructure sensing and control; and societal networks, among others. The systems engineering joint major + minor degree track prepares students with the modeling and decision-making principles required to develop and maintain successful systems.

View Roadmap for Systems Engineering.

Environmental Modeling and Analytics

Understand and model both small and large-scale ecosystems and the environment using analytical and numerical analysis. The environmental modeling analytics joint major + minor degree track prepares students with skills needed to tackle environmental challenges and to engineer solutions to major problems.

View Roadmap for Environmental Modeling Analytics.