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ONE-MA3: Photogrammetry

By Maritza Gallegos ’22 Our team of students and restorers was lucky enough to get to work in the beautiful Gardens of Ninfa, a juxtaposition of long abandoned ruins and living plants. It is one of […]

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Day VI: Enjoying M&Ms (Mortars and Mosaics)

Sophia Mittman ’22 We’ve always known that the Romans were master engineers and artists, but during ONE-MA3 we’ve been learning that they were also incredible chemists! Today, after the usual yet satisfying breakfast of bread, cheese, […]

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ONE-MA3 – Day I: Benevenuti in Italia!

By Sophia Mittman ‘22 We made it! Today was the first day of our ONE-MA3 adventure in Italy where about fifteen of us budding MIT engineers will learn from the masterful and ancient techniques of Roman […]

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ONE-MA3 Project: Plastics + Concrete

By Magreth D’Kakoko After spending 3 weeks in Italy this summer, learning about ancient materials, arts and archeology, we proceeded to take the 1.057 class during the fall semester. Based on what we had learnt, seen […]

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