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TREX Goes Canoeing

By Viban Gonzales ’20 Today was another day of work in the morning and play in the afternoon. We will be presenting our research to some high school students on Friday, and we spent this morning […]

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TREX – Day 5: Mauna Kea!

By Rayna Higuchi ’20 REX Day 5: Mauna Kea! Today, we drove up Mauna Kea, the second-highest mountain on the island. At the top, there was none of the heat nor humidity we have come to […]

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TREX Day 8: Leilani and the Super Blood Moon

By Rayna Higuchi ’20 Leilani Estates was right by the Fissure 8, the most destructive fissure during this past summer’s lava flows. The surrounding area has been transformed into volcanic glass; it is dangerous, unstable, and […]

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TREX Day 7: Transects and Beaches (Again…)

By Rayna Higuchi ’20 We started off today with data analysis, compiling and graphing the data that we have generated with transects so far. Nothing particularly insightful has popped up yet, but we’ll be studying the […]

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TREX Day 6 – Plants

By Rayna Higuchi ’20 Sierra Rosenzweig ’20, Stephen Duncan ’20, and I kicked off our day with an early morning call into the CEE mini-UROP. We spoke to the freshmen about our experience in TREX and […]

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TREX – Day 5: Transects and Sensors

By Janice Shiu ’20 Today, we split into three groups: one to do atmospheric profiles using drones, one to do forest transects in the Nanawale forest reserve, and one to put up a meteorological sensor and […]

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TREX – Day 4

By Rayna Higuchi ’20 Today was an exciting disappointment. We were originally supposed to head over to Leilani to see newly formed lava fields, but never got a call back on whether today was okay for […]

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