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Study Abroad



MISTI Bikepacks the Atacama

By Shannon Wing ’22 When hearing about the Atacama Desert from my coworkers, I immediately knew that it was where I wanted to go for my one long weekend of the summer. Not until a few […]

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How to see a total solar eclipse

By Shannon Wing ’22 Living in Santiago for the summer, I was approximately 6 hours away from a total solar eclipse viewing on this past July 2. I was the closest I had ever been to […]

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Cajón del Maipo

By Shannon Wing ’22 When making the decision on what to do with my summer, I had two requirements. Number 1: Work within the field of sustainability. Number 2: Be somewhere where I could hike and […]

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A Summer in Chile

By Shannon Wing ’22 Hello! Two weeks ago at around this time, I was waking up to my new neighbor friend tapping me on the shoulder saying, ‘we are here.” I had somehow managed to sleep […]

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Classrooms & Carbs: Two Weeks in Europe

By Meghan Reisenauer ’19 Last January, I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel to Hawai’i for research through the CEE department’s TREX program. This year, I wanted to spend my last IAP (yes, my graduation is impending!) […]

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Studying Abroad in Edinburgh

By Milani Chatterji-Len ’19 A model of the city of Edinburgh displayed in the city center I am a fourth year student in CEE and for the past couple of months, I have been studying abroad […]

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