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TREX 2018 Day 9: A hike to remember

By Ju Chulakadabba ‘19 Today we moved from the southern part of the island to the northern part, where we aimed to work on our presentation over the next few days. On the way to Hapuna […]

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TREX 2018 Day 9: To the Opposite Side

By Suchan Vivatsethachai `20 Today all TREXers moved to the complete opposite side of the Big Island of Hawaii in Waialea, a city near Kona. After enjoying the tropical rainforest environment for about a week, we […]

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TREX 2018 Day 9: Happy to be in Hapuna!

By Josh Wilson ‘19 Today was our second moving day of the trip! Everyone woke up around 8:00AM and set about packing everything from personal belongings to pH sensors and all the other equipment strewn across […]

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TREX 2018 Day 9: Two Beaches in One Day

By James Pruegsanusak ‘19 Today is another moving day. We moved out of the second place near Kilauea in the Southeastern part of the island to Hapuna Beach in the Northwestern area. Due to the geology […]

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TREX Day 8: Thermal camera

By James Pruegsanusak ‘19 With the forward looking infrared (FLIR) thermal camera attached on the drone, Prof Ben Kocar drove David, Josh, Meghan and I to Mr. Ha’s farm again today for more data collection, both […]

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TREX 2018 Day 8: Retrievers

By Joey Noszek ’20 Yesterday, the other group placed particle sensors around the island from Pahala to Kona. Today, we had to retrieve them. We would have preferred to have the sensors collect data for longer […]

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TREX 2018 Day 8: Second Chances

By Ju Chulakadabba ’19 Do you remember when you do things for the first time? They do not normally go well, right? For this trip, things did not go well either when we did them the […]

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TREX 2018 Day 8: Iceman returns

By Meghan Reisenauer ‘19 I can’t believe we’ve already been in Hawaii for more than a week! Today, our small group of James, David, Josh and I went back to Richard Ha’s farm with Professor Kocar. […]

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TREX 2018 Day 7: Spreading the Sensors

By Suchan Vivatsethachai ’20 Today, I was assigned to be in a group which would go around the Big Island putting particulate matter (PM) sensors into action. After building and calibrating those sensors for almost two […]

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TREX 2018 Day 7: To Kona and Back!

By Josh Wilson ‘19 One of the landscapes along the way. First off, we’ve been here for a week! Wow. It feels like a month when I look back on our time here so far, but […]

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TREX 2018 Day 7: Plume Chasers

By Meghan Reisenauer ‘19 On Tuesday, it was time to place our now-calibrated air particle sensors in the path of the vog plume. The plume is blown around the coast from Kilauea north to Kona, so […]

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