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2010 News in Brief



Patricia Glidden, CEE graduate admissions coordinator, wins Infinite Mile Award

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Patricia Glidden, CEE graduate admissions coordinator, received an Infinite Mile Award from the School of Engineering at a ceremony April 28. In presenting the award, Assistant Dean Eileen Ng-Ghavidel praised Glidden’s management of the admissions process, saying: “The challenge of making sure stray transcripts and letters of recommendations are matched with application folders going out to approximately 40 faculty reviewers can be a daunting task. However, Patty manages to keep the process moving all the while maintaining a relaxed and confident attitude… Her quick thinking and adaptability to new software resulted in an online application site that not only made the review possible but reduced delivery time for applications to the admissions committee.” Ng-Ghavidel quoted a nominator as saying, “Patty not only maintains a superior work ethic and attitude, but promotes an equal level of excellence in her colleagues.” Read a news story.