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2010 News in Brief



Amy Mueller, doctoral student in Parsons Lab, named a Xerox-MIT Fellow

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As one of the five new Xerox-MIT Fellows, CEE graduate student Amy Mueller will receive full tuition for 2009-2010. The program supports top-tier students in the School of Engineering, particularly women and underrepresented minorities who are engaged in research in areas such as green technologies, imaging and smart-document technology, nanotechnology and systems design. Mueller’s project on simultaneous in-situ sensing of the full ionic content of fresh water falls under the green technologies category. “From Xerox’s point of view, this should be interesting for monitoring process waters within their production and manufacturing centers, and for monitoring the effluent from these buildings,” Mueller said. She will continue to work closely with her faculty advisor, Professor Harold Hemond, as well as with a practicing engineer at Xerox, Grace Brewington, who will be her fellowship advisor. Read more.