Faculty, staff and students of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering recognized graduating seniors and department award winners at the annual awards dinner held Thursday evening, May 12 at the Marriott Hotel in Kendall Square. […]
On Friday, June 3 CEE graduates will gather with families, friends and CEE faculty, staff and alumni for an afternoon party following MIT’s 145th Commencement exercises. This academic year, the department has awarded 123 degrees: 14 […]
By Debbie Levey Civil & Environmental Engineering Weather permitting, on a spring afternoon every year the Course 1 senior class assembles and tests 10-foot-long bridges outside the MIT Student Center. While this eye-catching event always attracts […]
By Debbie Levey Civil & Environmental Engineering Course 1 senior Joel Veenstra and his teammates on Sanergy won the grand prize in the MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition May 11 for their proposal to build toilets in […]
By Denise Brehm Civil & Environmental Engineering Getting two fluids to mix in small or confined spaces is a big problem in many industries where, for instance, the introduction of one fluid can help extract another […]
By Alice C. Waugh Civil & Environmental Engineering A reality-based smartphone game that lets users help a village in Tanzania and a portable, low-cost water quality testing kit are two of the four projects involving CEE […]
By Marisa Simmons Course 1 Sophomore Ddegeya, Uganda, a community of about 1,000 people spread over five square kilometers, relies on a single pond and one working well for water. The people there have no electricity and limited […]
By Cathryn Delude Civil & Environmental Engineering Correspondent Natural ecosystems need nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, to sustain plant life. But too many nutrients running into water bodies from fertilized farms and lawns or from […]
The nine junior faculty members in CEE organized the first CEE Research Speed Dating Day, which was held Friday, Feb. 11, from 1 to 6 p.m. The event consisted of 22 five-minute sound bite presentations each […]
By Denise Brehm Civil & Environmental Engineering CEE Professor Joseph Sussman recently chaired a congressionally mandated committee that released a report calling for the Pentagon to pay some of the cost of new transportation infrastructure needed […]
By Denise Brehm Civil & Environmental Engineering Adding particles to liquids to make currents visible is a common practice in the study of fluid mechanics, one that was adopted and perfected by artist Paul Matisse in […]