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2011 News in Brief



Terrascope presents ‘Feeding the World: A Bazaar of Ideas’

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On Thursday, May 5, from 7:30 to 10 p.m. in Lobby 13, students from the Terrascope freshman learning community will present their research projects focused on alleviating hunger and providing food security. The Terrascope (which is jointly run by CEE and the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences) curriculum has focused on this problem all year. During the spring semester, the students — taught by CEE Professor Charles Harvey and Lecturer Ari Epstein — worked in teams to develop prototypes and models of workable solutions. Projects include:

  • Cell Phones — A low-cost cell phone system to provide improved medical treatment in rural India.
  • Crop Drying — A scale model of a system to efficiently dry crops.
  • Butter —  A butter-making solution to help the Maasai during the dry season.
  • Vertical Farming — A system for “self watering” agriculture that reduces urban runoff.
  • Pedagogical Games — A multiplayer game, in which players compete and cooperate to optimize food security.
  • Vaccine Cooling — A milk-chilling device that also keeps animal vaccines cool.